Town Committees
All of our Town Committees are filled by volunteers appointed by the Select Board. If you are interested in joining a town committee, please fill out a Town Committee Membership Application. See the summaries below for details on each Committee.
Appeals Board
The Appeals Board hears appeals from decisions by the Planning Board or Code Enforcement Officer related to land use.
Vacancies: Alternate #1 & Alternate #2
Cemetery Committee
Westport Island has 71 cemeteries in both accessible and less accessible locations throughout the island. Working with the permission of landowners, the Cemetery Committee works to maintain and enhance cemeteries through mowing, repairs, and placing of veteran's markers.
Vacancies: None

Conservation Commission
The Westport Island Conservation Commission develops and supports programs to protect and preserve the natural resources and coastal waters of Westport Island for the use and enjoyment of residents and their families. They also maintain the town-owned Clough Point Preserve. Click on the pop-out icon in the upper right-hand corner of the image to the left to view the Westport Island Stewardship Guide, developed by the Conservation Commission with neighboring towns.
Vacancies: None
Harbor Committee
The Harbor Committee advises the Harbor Master, Deputy Harbor Master, and Select Board on matters related to Westport Island's harbors and maritime waters.
Vacancies: Alternate #2
History Committee
The Westport Island History Committee advises the Select Board on the pursuit, preservation and promotion of the Island’s proud history and rich cultural heritage. Check out the Westport Island History Center on 38 Ferry Rd., open Sundays from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM or by appointment. In 2018, the non-profit "Friends of Westport Island History" (Friends) was formed to expand upon the History Committee's efforts to preserve and share our rich Island history. To learn more and become a member, see the Friends of Westport Island History webpage.
Jean Wilhemsen-Exter, Co-Chair
Vacancies: Unlimited non-voting associate members
Planning Board
The Planning Board oversees land use ordinances and decisions regarding non-conforming land use.
Vacancies: Alternate #2
Shellfish Committee
The Shellfish Committee administers the town's Shellfish Conservation Ordinance. They work closely with the Maine Dept. of Marine Resources to establish the number of shellfish licenses to be issued, monitor the status of shellfish resources, implement a plan for conservation, and periodically review the Shellfish Conservation Ordinance. Recent projects include acquiring a grant to mitigate green crab infestation in McCarty Cove through trapping and reseeding the cove with native shellfish.
Vacancies: None
Town Property Management Committee
The Town Property Management Committee monitors the physical condition of Westport Island town-owned buildings and land, advises the Select Board on needed repairs and improvements, and pitches in to do the work wherever they can.
Jim Cromwell, Chair
(207) 350-9562
Vacancies: Unlimited non-voting associate members