
This is a listing of businesses owned and operated by Westport Island residents, or nearby local businesses that serve Westport Island. To learn more about a business and for contact information, click on a link below or just scroll down. Please note that the town does not vet businesses or make specific referrals. 

All listed businesses are required to register with the town yearly to ensure this list stays current. If you own a business and would like to be added to this list, please complete our Business Registration Form


Atlantic Home & Co. (Joseph Dikitanan): General Contractor, Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinetry, Remodeler: 

Email/(207) 350-5513 


Westport Island Pottery (Nancy Shaul): Whimsical/functional cool pottery: 

Email/(207) 751-0567 

Financial Advisors

LifePlan Financial (Ross Steelman): Financial services and advisory. Retirement, life Insurance, investments

Email/(207) 402-0488

Insurance Advisors

Midcoast Insurance Services (Thomas Porter): Independent Insurance Broker specializing in Medicare coverage, small group health and life insurance

Email/(207) 380-3217 

Marine/Boat Services

Sheepscot River Marine Service, Inc. (Ted Christie): Marine Construction: 

Email/(207) 882-6410 


Andrew E. Bradford, Land Surveyor: Provides all professional land surveying needs, including boundary retracements and land divisions. 

Email/(207) 607-6685

Tree Service/Arborists

Squam Creek Tree Service (Jim Wiles): 

Email/(207) 882-6333 

Waste Disposal

Dave's Disposal (Dave Kelley, Alna): Weekly Garbage and Recycling collection: 

Email/(207) 844-0426