Regional School Unit #12

Westport Island is a member of Regional School Unit #12. Children of Westport Island residents may attend RSU #12 schools at no cost. They may also attend other schools, and RSU #12 may pay a portion of the tuition for eligible schools. Contact RSU #12 for a list of included schools. Edgecomb Eddy Pre-K is the only pre-k program included in our contract. There is bus service to Edgecomb Eddy Elementary School, Wiscasset Elementary & Middle High School, and Boothbay Elementary & High School. Click here for the RSU #12 residency affidavit which must be completed in order to send children to RSU #12 schools, or to other schools. Return to the Town Office at 6 Fowles Point Rd. along with the required documentation.  

Westport Island gets 2 members on the 17-member RSU #12 Board of Directors, elected to 3 year terms: 

Barbara Cray (term expires 2027)

Richard Devries (term expires 2026)