Town of 

Westport Island


Town Office 

6 Fowles Point Rd.

Westport Island, ME 04578


10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Closed on Federal & State Holidays, 

and when local schools are closed


(207) 882-8477

Municipal Agent:

Tax Collector/Treasurer:

Town Clerk:

Select Board:

Calendar & Announcements


Electric Announcement Sign Coming Soon

The electric sign is in! As soon as possible, our electrician will be connecting it to power, and we'll be able to announce many more town meetings and events, and will also help notify residents of important safety information during emergences. If you have any questions, reach out to  

Builders wanted for Town Hall repairs and projects

Are you a builder or contractor? Know one? We need to hire someone to make repairs to the historic Town Hall and build an ADA compliant entryway structure and bathroom. Please email if interested in any of those projects! 

Town Meeting Prep

The Town Meeting isn't until June 21st, but preparations start now! If you've got any thoughts on our ordinances, ideas for projects, or general input about the direction of the town, let the Select Board know at or (207) 882-8477, x.4.  

WCA Community Support Exploratory Committee

The WCA has generously agreed to form an exploratory committee to determine how best to replace the important work of Helping Hands as that organization winds down. This committee will determine the needs of our community and assess what neighboring towns are doing to address their resident’s needs. Anyone interested, please contact Meg Skidmore at 

Submerged Lands Easement Application Public Comment Period through 2/5/25

A Submerged Lands Easement Renewal Application has been submitted to the Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry to renew an easement allowing a wharf, ramp, and float in the Sheepscot River off of Log Cabin Rd. There is a two-week public comment period ending 2/11/25. Please contact the Department at (207) 287-4970 or with any comments. 

Aquaculture License Application Public Comment Period through 2/11/25

A Limited Purpose Aquaculture license application has been submitted to the Department of Marine Resources to grow oysters in the Sheepscot River by Whittum Island. There is a two-week public comment period ending 2/11/25. Please contact the Department of Marine Resources at with any comments. 

Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Shoreland Zoning Ordinance 2/12/25

The Planning Board will hold a public hearing on a request to rezone Map 7/Lot 50 as Commercial Fisheries/Maritime Activities on 2/12/25 at 6:00 PM at the Town Office on 6 Fowles Point Rd. See the notice and map for details.