The Town of Westport Island gratefully accepts charitable donations! Donations to the town potentially qualify as tax deductible (donors should consult a tax attorney to be certain). The Select Board may accept donations to reduce the property tax burden, pay down municipal debt, or contribute towards an appropriation made at the last Town Meeting. Other donations can be accepted by the next annual Town Meeting, usually in late June every year, or Special Town Meetings called at any time. If you would like to make a donation, please complete our Charitable Donation Form for the Select Board to consider or email them directly. Donations can also be made to local non-profits to benefit the town.
Town Meeting Approved Projects Eligible for Donations:
Repairs to the front of the Historic Town Hall
ADA accessible entryway structure for the Historic Town Hall including a ramp, platform, and stairs
ADA accessible bathroom for the Historic Town Hall
Other ADA accessibility projects for town buildings, such as the Wright House, Town Office, or Fire Station
Repairs to the roof of the Wright House, which houses our History Center and the Althea Cromwell Food Pantry
Tree removal around the Wright House to protect the structure during future storms
Energy efficient heating & cooling systems for town buildings
See the Warrant for more details and possible donation opportunities
Don't see your pet project on the list? Let us know! We can work with you to present it to the next Town Meeting.